Thematic Areas

The AEI has 19 subject areas, which are divided into a total of 54 subareas. Each area is led by a president and each subarea by a coordinator. In addition, there are managers within each area or subarea. Presidents, coordinators and managers are part of the panels of each area and subarea. In total, there are more than 250 people who collaborate with the AEI during a period that has an indicative duration of three years. We refer to these people as AEI collaborators. This figure is regulated in article 19 of Law 14/2011, of June 1, on Science, Technology and Innovation, which refers to scientific and technological collaborators.

Next, the areas, subareas and collaborators that make up your panels are presented.

The Social Sciences Area includes research on the practices and processes observed in human societies. In particular, it studies social relations between individuals, groups and institutions and with the space and physical environment in which they operate. The social sciences approach human behavior with quantitative or qualitative methodological tools that make it possible to explain and understand the various aspects that facilitate or compromise the continuity of life in society. These studies are based on a solid empirical foundation that allows the development of innovative theoretical proposals. They are related to the disciplines of Sociology, Social Work and Social Services, Social Anthropology, Political Science and Administration, Public Policy, Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, Library and Information Science, Human Geography, Regional Geographical Analysis, Demography, and Feminist, Women's and Gender Studies, among others.


  • COM / Communication
  • CPO / Political Science
  • FEM / Gender Studies
  • GEO / Geography
  • SOC / Sociology and social anthropology

Panel Members:

The area of ​​Law includes all sectors of the legal system and its scientific disciplines, both those traditionally included under the headings Public Law and Private Law (administrative law, civil law, constitutional law, labor law and Social Security, ecclesiastical law of the State, financial and tax law, private international law, public international law and international relations, commercial law, criminal law, procedural law, Roman law, philosophy of law, history of law), such as those of more recent appearance, which They still show a strong connection with the previous ones (for example, environmental law, regional law, European Union law, international trade law, sports law, computer law, immigration law, military law, prison law, trade union law, etc.), in addition to related, complementary and auxiliary (as comparative law , legal medicine or sociology of law, among others) when the legal aspect is relevant. It also includes border, transversal and emerging disciplines when they pose interdisciplinary research or on the frontiers of knowledge related to Law. The studies that are assigned to the area of ​​Law can be local, regional, national, international or comparative, with a strictly legal approach (involving one or more legal disciplines) or interdisciplinary (crossing the traditional limits between disciplines of different areas, as with the economic analysis of law, the application of the gender perspective to law or bioethics, for example).


Villacampa Estiarte, Carolina

Universidad de Lleida

Panel Members:

This area covers the theoretical and methodological research essential for the design of tools and models of economic and social phenomena It includes game theory, decision theory, methods of experimental economics, econometrics, survey design and methodology, prediction algorithms and computational economics. It also includes theoretical and empirical research in the different areas of economic analysis. Research aimed at a better understanding of the processes and institutions of the Spanish, European and the rest of the world economies, research in the fields of business economics and business studies, including accounting areas and marketing, as well as studies on strategy, organization, personnel, technology and innovation of companies will be very welcome. Finally, research in all areas of finance, valuation of financial assets and derivatives, financial intermediation, risk management and portfolio analysis are also matters of the area.


  • EMA / Economics, methods and its applications
  • EYF / Business and finance


Ganuza Fernández, Juan José

Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Panel Members:

It encompasses research on languages ​​and language at its various levels and methodological and technical developments, from theoretical linguistics, linguistic variation and change, descriptive and quantitative studies on modern and ancient natural languages, computational and experimental linguistics, to applied linguistics, psycholinguistics and studies on language acquisition and production, language teaching, and digital humanities. It also includes translation and interpretation and linguistically oriented diachronic research and integrates digital humanities projects for the aforementioned fields. On the other, it encompasses research focused on ontological, epistemological and normative problems in the different areas of human thought and action, and in different spaces of society and culture, from the sciences to the arts, taking into account the variety of methodologies and theoretical proposals of the different traditions and philosophical schools. It deals with questions related to the ultimate structure of reality, knowledge in its different forms and applications, the value and meaning of human existence; and it is directed towards an understanding of cultural experience and practices from a reflective and critical perspective.


  • FIL / Philosophy
  • LYL / Linguistics and languages


Fernández Soriano, Olga

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Panel Members:

It includes research on literatures, the theory of literature and comparative literature, the fine arts, the performing arts, architecture, visual studies, musicology and the history of art of all times, and their relationship with culture, the history and society in which they are registered; critical editions of texts and documents, their conservation, reconstruction and fixation; philological, palaeographical and interpretive works on classical and Mediterranean and Near Eastern languages and cultures; the conservation, dissemination and patrimonial management of artistic manifestations, their museums and museography, from all methodological perspectives. Collects studies of popular culture in its various aspects and artistic and literary manifestations. Integrate digital humanities projects for all the aforementioned areas.


  • ART / Art, fine arts, museum
  • LFL / Literature, philology, ancient languages and cultures, and cultural studies


Sanmartín Bastida, Rebeca

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Panel Members:

It covers the study of all the historical stages of humanity (prehistory, ancient history, medieval history, modern history, contemporary history) up to the current world, in all its methodological approaches and thematic diversity (politics, society, economy, culture , religion, etc.), including their cultural achievements and heritage. It also includes the analysis of all these periods through archeology, ethnoarchaeology, archeometry, geospatial and information technologies. It also encompasses the historiographic sciences and techniques, the history of gender, the history of America, studies about historical and postcolonial memory. Integrate digital humanities projects for the aforementioned areas.


  • ARQ / Archeology
  • HIS / History


Rodríguez López, Ana

Instituto de Historia, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales-CSIC

Panel Members:

The purpose of educational research is to generate new knowledge about educational systems and institutions, teaching-learning processes and their organisation and context. Among its objectives is the generation of knowledge based on the description, understanding and explanation of teaching and learning that take place at different stages of life in both formal and non-formal contexts. Research in education can be theoretical and empirical and includes the development of strategies and methods that favour teaching and learning, specific didactics, teacher training, socio-political and technological contexts, institutional actions, orientations and practices of tutorial action.

The proposals to be evaluated in the Educational Sciences (EDU) must explicitly refer to realities, issues, problems, initiatives, studies, etc. that link their contributions to knowledge, innovation and/or the transfer of theoretical or applied knowledge to education in its different areas of application, whether in institutionalised education systems (from early childhood education to university or higher education) or in social, family, community education, etc.

They must be congruent not only with approaches or perspectives that emphasise their educational, training, teaching and learning nature and scope throughout people's lives, but also with the epistemological, theoretical and methodological principles of research in the Education Sciences, with the multiple convergences that may derive from them with the Social Sciences, Health, Humanities and Sport and Physical Activity Sciences.


Bosch Casabò, Marianna

Universidad de Barcelona

Panel Members:

It includes projects on human learning, cognitive, emotional, motivational, personality, interpersonal and social processes, as well as methods for their measurement and both normal and dysfunctional psychological functioning dysfunctional psychological functioning . The fundamental objective is to understand the role of these processes, and their biological and neural bases, in human behaviour, both at the level of the individual as well as collective, and in their development from childhood to old age. The focus is on investigating the role the role of these processes The area of research is concerned with physical and mental health, quality of life and psychological well-being.

The area encompasses research on: a) basic and experimental psychology (learning, memory, perception, attention, language, language, thought, intelligence, motivation, emotion, social cognition); b) biological bases of behaviour and mind (psychobiology, neuropsychology, cognitive and affective neuroscience, physiological psychology, psychopharmacology and ethology); c) personality psychology, clinical and health psychology, dealing with psychopathological processes and mental and behavioural disorders, lifestyles and healthy habits, The development of psychodiagnostic instruments and methods of psychotherapeutic intervention and prevention of problems of psychological functioning; d) social psychology, which deals with the study of social interaction between individuals and between groups in various social contexts and the influence of the physical and social context on individuals and groups, covering the study of attitudes, emotions, norms, prejudice, conflict, discrimination and social influence, communication and persuasion, collective behaviour, culture, violence, pro-social behaviour, psychosocial intervention, as well as the context of work, organisational behaviour, and human resource development; e) developmental and evolutionary psychology, which address processes of behavioural change, and research in the field of educational psychology, analysing the psychological processes of teaching-learning and education, as well as ways to optimise them; and f) of the methodologies of behavioural sciences and psychometrics, which are transversal to all these fields of psychology.


Baños Rivera, Rosa María

Universidad de Valencia

Panel Members:

The area of Mathematics corresponds to the field of research that encompasses both the development of mathematics itself, as well as its application and transfer to the other areas. This area includes: algebra and number theory, mathematical analysis, statistics and operations research, geometry and topology, and applied mathematics.


Liz Marzán, Eduardo

Universidad de Vigo

Panel Members:

This area include fundamental aspects, addressing aspects of the structure of matter and its optical, mechanical, acoustic, electronic and transport properties; atomic molecular and optical physics; quantum physics, quantum information and computation; statistical physics, complex systems and non-linear phenomena; fluids; as well as aspects of applied physics; nanophysics, optics and photonics; medical physics; biophysics and climate physics, including those at the border with other disciplines. It also encompasses theoretical and experimental research into the fundamental particles of matter, subatomic and nuclear physics. It supports the scientific exploitation of experiments carried out in large international facilities and nuclear fusion research (CERN, ApPEC and NuPECC). It includes space research and development of instrumentation for space missions, Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Earth observation satellites, experimentation on the International Space Station, on stratospheric balloons and on free-fall towers, among others. It encompasses studies of celestial bodies and the Universe, as well as the technological developments required for their observation. This research, whether theoretical or observational, may adopt a mechanical, physical, chemical, astrobiological or astrogeological point of view, and may be directed at the Sun, the Solar System, exoplanets, stars, interstellar matter, galaxies, galaxy clusters and Cosmology. All the technologies involved in contemporary astronomical observation from Earth, space research and the development of instrumentation for space missions are considered, as well as the development and application of computational techniques and modelling of astronomical data, experiments on the International Space Station, stratospheric balloons, among others. It includes the study of the physical aspects of the climate system and its interactions.


  • AYA / Astronomy and astrophysics
  • ESP / Space research
  • FPN / Particle and Nuclear Physics
  • FAB / Applied Physics and Biophysics
  • FCM / Quantum and Matter Physics


González Férez, Rosario

Universidad de Granada

Panel Members:

  • García Comas, Maya

    Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IAA-CSIC)

It encompasses research lines, both fundamental and applied, in the field of industrial design and production and Mechanical, Naval and Aeronautical, Electrical, Electronic and Automatic engineering, including analytical, numerical and experimental methods. It also encompasses research in the field of Biomedical Engineering with regard to the application of the principles and methods of engineering for solving problems in biology and medicine, assessment methods, diagnosis and rehabilitation, sensor development, processing of images, telemedicine, robotics, among others.

The area also includes research in the field of Civil Engineering and Architecture, planning, design, construction, conservation and control of civil infrastructures, as well as that related to architectural constructions, urban planning and spatial planning.


  • ICA / Civil engineering and architecture
  • IBI / Biomedical Engineering
  • IEA / Electrical, Electronic and Automatic Engineering
  • INA / Mechanical, naval and aeronautical engineering


del Coz Díaz, Juan José

Universidad de Oviedo

Panel Members:

The area covers technologies for the development of electronic and photonic devices and systems in a general way, which can be applied in multiple fields, but which are characterized by their technological development, as well as technologies oriented to the management and transfer of information typically using electromagnetic signals over cables and wireless media, and electronic and optical devices for their management, transmission, reception and routing. It includes micro and nanoelectronic processes and integration of new functional materials, technologies, simulation and modeling for electronic components, heterogeneous integration of microsystems, micro/nano sensors and actuators, lab-on-a-chip, power and photovoltaic devices, devices for high frequency (THz), printed and organic electronics, optical, photonic, plasmonic and fiber-based devices and sensors, 3D integration technologies, circuits and systems. The area also includes research on methods and procedures for signal processing (audio, video, biological, communications, ...) and the treatment of the information contained therein, physical layer technologies: transmission media, circuits analog and digital electronics for communications, radiant systems, radio frequency subsystems, optical communications technologies and network technologies: communications protocols, Internet architectures, traffic engineering, software definition of networks, security and network management.

The area also encompasses research related to the fundamentals of computing, including the design and analysis of sequential, parallel or distributed algorithms, the theory of computing, formal methods or programming languages. It also includes software and database engineering, including requirements engineering, software modeling and design, software testing, software systems architecture, or service-oriented systems. It also encompasses computer architecture, high-performance computing, distributed systems, computer networks, both local and non-local, and system security. It also includes intelligent systems, computational learning, shape recognition, and natural language processing. Finally, it also includes multimedia systems, computer graphics, computational geometry, virtual reality, augmented reality or Image processing.


  • INF / Computer Science and Information Technology
  • MNF / Microelectronics, Nanotechnology and Photonics
  • TCO / Communications Technologies


Castedo Ribas, Luis

Universidad de A Coruña

Panel Members:

It encompasses the investigations that aim to generate the knowledge and technologies necessary to guarantee an efficient and environmentally friendly energy supply, as well as the generation of new knowledge that allows the development of innovative techniques for design and management of systems of transport, both public and private, urban and interurban, of passengers and goods, in any of its possible modes: automotive, rail, air and maritime.

It covers projects related to the development and implementation of renewable energies that include projects related to solar energy in any of its forms and wind energy, related both to the development of new components and to the development of storage technologies, management and integration in conventional networks. Likewise, it includes projects related to both marine energy and projects whose research is aimed at improving efficiency in the operation of the different transport systems, reducing their costs and the environmental and social impacts associated with their activity.

Cross-cutting projects are also included with other management areas such as chemical technologies, materials, engineering or architecture, among others, from approaches aimed at energy use and not just conceptual.


  • ENE / Energy
  • TRA / Transportation


Amarís Duarte, Hortensia

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Panel Members:

The area covers fundamental or oriented research, from the molecular to the macroscopic level, aspects of the composition of the structure, preparation and properties of natural and synthetic substances or samples that contain them, the interactions and transformations they undergo, the mechanism of the same, the instrumentation for their analysis and the experimental and/or theoretical methodology required for their study.

It also includes research aimed at the description of the physical, chemical and biological phenomena involved in the production, manufacturing and separation processes, and the search for improvements in the conception or in the functioning of the physical, chemical or biochemical operations that make up industrial processes. It also includes research on new alternative processes and on environmental technologies and processes aimed at reducing pollution at source or alleviating its effects, including its study from the laboratory level to its scale-up at the pilot plant level, developing and sizing reactors and equipment for separation, applying simulation and optimization of processes, development of control systems.

Cross-cutting projects are also included with other management areas such as chemical technologies, materials, engineering or architecture, among others, from approaches aimed at energy use and not just conceptual.


  • IQM / Chemical engineering
  • QMC / Chemistry


González Díaz, José Manuel

Universidad de Oviedo

Panel Members:

The area comprises all the research related to the design, preparation, characterization and application of materials. Its central theme is the relationship between structure (at any length scale) and properties. Being a markedly interdisciplinary field, it usually involves in projects that address both theoretical and experimental elements of physics and chemistry, presenting on numerous occasions aspects related to biology and engineering. The objectives pursued are both fundamental, focused on the generation of new knowledge, and applied, aimed at obtaining new materials that can improve people's quality of life.

The subareas into which it is divided encompass, as a whole, practically all of the activity that takes place in our country in materials science and technology, considering that certain areas, such as materials for biomedicine or for energy and environment have common characteristics with the subareas dedicated to functional and structural materials. A large part of nanoscience and nanotechnology research is currently being carried out in the materials area.


  • MBM / Materials for biomedicine
  • MEN / Materials for energy and the environment
  • MES / Structural materials
  • MFU / Materials with Electrical, Magnetic, Optical or Thermal Functionality


Varela del Arco, María

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Panel Members:

The area encompasses research related to ecological and evolutionary processes that have generated the enormous wealth of biodiversity at all levels of organization, from genes, populations and species to communities and ecosystems and their interactions with human activity, as well as in the development of technologies oriented to the management, conservation and restoration of degraded habitats or species in danger of extinction, the valuation of ecosystem services and the capacity to adapt to global change.

Research aimed at the study and development of processes for the evaluation and treatment of air, water and soil pollutants and the evaluation of their impact on different ecosystems, as well as the treatment of waste, the use of natural resources and sustainable management of water resources.

It also covers the basic and technological aspects related to marine systems, both in their abiotic and biotic components and the interactions with the terrestrial and atmospheric systems, including the development of observation tools and platforms and ocean management instruments. and geological and geophysical research of the marine environment. Also of interest are research related to the study of anthropogenic pressures on the ocean and the associated impacts, including the effect of pollutants and processes that operate on a global scale, such as, for example, global warming, rising levels. from the sea, eutrophication or ocean acidification.

Knowledge of the sea requires different scales of observation, from the molecular level to the consideration of ocean basins, and involves numerous scientific disciplines through multi-disciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches. A significant fraction of projects focused on ocean research require the use of oceanographic vessels, which confers a degree of uniqueness to the MAR subarea. All marine research projects that require the use of these infrastructures are channeled through this subarea, with the exception of projects developed in polar areas.

Polar Research Subarea (CTM-PLR). Polar research is characterized by the geography where it takes place and because it is carried out under extreme conditions, which requires the contribution of complex, expensive and specific means (oceanographic vessels and polar bases). Scientific research in Antarctica is carried out under its own special and restrictive legislation, in relation to the protection of the environment. Polar research in general has a very marked international component, which is exacerbated in Arctic research by the absence of Spanish infrastructures in the area. Although research projects cannot include practically all scientific subjects, in general the disciplines included include: geodesy; geology; geodynamics; geophysics; astronomy and astrophysics; oceanography; glaciology and cryosphere; volcanology; geochemistry; atmosphere-ocean interaction; Earth observation space techniques; Modeling; Biology; Ecology; Limnology; microbiology; Faunal studies and natural products; biogeochemical cycles; speciation processes and mechanisms; biodiversity; edaphology; atmospheric physics and climate, human and social sciences includes aspects of humanities, such as polar law, anthropology of northern populations, sociology and psychology among others.

The Earth and Water Sciences subarea (CTM-CTA) integrates research on the various aspects of the earth system, including its history, its current state and its possible future evolution. It includes a wide range of established disciplines such as geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, internal geodynamics, sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleontology, geophysics, geodesy, external geodynamics, geomorphology, climatology, physical geography, limnology, edaphology, hydrology and glaciology. From the CTA subarea, interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged that respond to scientific and technological challenges in current and future socioeconomic and environmental situations. These include those related to: (1) the observation and characterization of the earth system at all temporal and spatial scales, with emphasis on the processes associated with global change, (2) the evaluation and sustainable management of surface water resources and underground, including the characterization of ecological and hydrogeological processes and those that alter the quality of water and the good condition of aquatic ecosystems; as well as the actions / treatments for its recovery (3) the exploration and sustainable exploitation of aquatic, mineral and energy resources, and the use of geological formations as stores of resources, waste and CO2; (4) knowledge of climate change from the perspective of earth sciences, integrating the reconstruction of climate analogues in the past, the characterization of the environmental and hydrological response to climate forcing, the evaluation of the expected geoenvironmental impacts, and the design of mitigation and adaptation strategies; and (5) the evaluation and prevention of natural risks with geological implications in their origin, development or impact, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, mass movements, subsidence, floods, droughts or coastal alterations, as well as the evolution of these risks in the context of global change.


  • BDV / Biodiversity
  • CTA / Earth and water sciences
  • CYA / Climate and atmosphere
  • MAR / Marine science and technologies
  • POL / Polar Research
  • TMA / Environmental Technologies


de los Ríos Murillo, Asunción

Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC)

Panel Members:

  • Carazo Ferrandis, Pau

    Instituto Cavanilles de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, Universitat de València

  • Laiolo, Paola

    Instituto Mixto de Investigación en Biodiversidad (CSIC, Universidad de Oviedo, Principado de Asturias)

Different international organizations indicate that around 50% of the Earth's surface is dedicated to agriculture, 37% corresponds to forest masses, 12% are marginal lands and 1% represent urban areas. With the growth of the world population, the challenge of humanity is to guarantee a healthy and safe diet through innovative and competitive agriculture and animal production, within a changing global and climate scenario. Research in agricultural and agri-food sciences seeks to contribute to the sustainability and circular economy of agricultural and natural systems, addressing fundamental and directed research. The "Agriculture and Forestry" subarea includes studies of horticultural, herbaceous and woody crops and forest production systems. Includes studies on the management and interactions between soil-water-plant-atmosphere systems in relation to crop production and quality, effects of biotic and abiotic stresses on crops, biological control against pests and diseases, genetic improvement of plants and conservation of plant genetic resources, physiology, nutrition and plant biochemistry, plant biotechnology, molecular biology of plants of interest in agriculture, agroforestry systems, and agrarian economy. The "Livestock and Aquaculture" subarea covers aspects of fundamental and applied research in domestic animal species and those of productive utility, but also, in certain cases, in wild fauna. The methodological approach is multidisciplinary, with a strong role in animal experimentation. It covers research related to the health, production, nutrition, reproduction and genetics of animal species of interest to livestock, aquaculture and wildlife, although pharmacological, toxicological, internal medicine and surgery studies and other related topics are also contemplated. The products of the two previous subareas give rise to a wide variety of foods, being the subarea of ​​"Food Science and Technology" the one that deals with research related to obtaining and preserving food, as well as physical and chemical evaluation and functional thereof and / or their components. The quality, traceability and authenticity of food, as well as food safety are globally addressed. This subarea also includes research related to nutrition, metabolism and functionality of food components, and more specifically, their effects on human health.


  • ALI / Food Science and Technology
  • AYF / Agriculture and forestry
  • GYA / Livestock and aquaculture


Bartolomé Sualdea, Begoña

Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación (CIAL), CSIC-UAM

Panel Members:

  • Cox Meana, Lucía

    Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla (IRNAS, CSIC)

Research into the molecular and structural bases of biological functions and their interrelationships, from the molecular to the organismal level in any living being. The area includes basic studies in molecular and cellular biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, virology, endocrinology and metabolism, physiology of organs and systems, exercise physiology, neurobiology, development, immunology, computational, structural and systems biology, with the exception of those whose main objective is directly related to pathologies and/or aimed at improving human health or agri-food. It also includes research aimed at the development of biotechnological products, which may also have fields of origin or application in other areas (for example, those related to biosensors, biomarkers, biocomputing, nanobiotechnology, biotransformations, proteins of industrial interest or vaccines). This area covers both basic research in the field and research aimed at transfer actions. Interdisciplinary and/or frontier projects are also valued.


  • BIF / Integrative Biology and Physiology
  • BMC / Molecular and Cell Biology
  • BTC / Biotechnology


Cubas Domínguez, Pilar

Centro Nacional de Biotecnología-CSIC

Panel Members:

This is a transversal research programme in the area of health. It covers the study of the aetiopathogenic mechanisms of most of the relevant pathologies in society, including nervous system, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, metabolic, tumour, inflammatory and infectious diseases. The programme places special emphasis on the characterisation of the cellular, molecular and genetic bases involved in the genesis and development of different diseases, as well as on diagnostic and pharmacological advances and new therapies. Unlike other clinical research programmes in the health area, which do not necessarily pursue a better understanding of the mechanisms that cause disease, the programme has a clear molecular, cellular and physiopathological focus, with priority being given to the search for and identification of the molecular mechanisms underlying health and disease. The cross-cutting nature lies in its multidisciplinary approach, which includes the development of a variety of technologies, such as "omics", and their application to the study of pathology.


  • CAN / Cancer
  • ESN / Diseases of the nervous system
  • DPT / Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic tools
  • FOS / Physiopathology of organs and systems
  • IIT / Immunity, infection and immunotherapy


Diéguez Gónzalez, Carlos

Centro de Investigación en Medicina Molecular y enfermedades crónicas (CIMUS). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Panel Members:

  • Pérez Galán, Patricia

    Fundación de Recerca Clínic Barcelona-Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (FRCB-IDIBAPS)

  • Ubeda Morant, Carles

    Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunidad Valenciana (FISABIO)