Acuerdo de encomienda de gestión a la Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, M.P., en materia de subvenciones para el período 2023-2024
Agreements and Covenants
Agreement between the General Secretariat for Digital Administration and the State Research Agency for the provision of services associated with the use of the “Integrated Management of Registry Services as a comprehensive registry application.
Legal assistance agreement between the General State Administration (Ministry of Justice, State Attorney General-Directorate of the State Legal Service) and the State Investigation Agency, M. P.
Agreement between the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the State Research Agency, by which the management mandate is articulated for the performance of the functions attributed to the Equality Units by Royal Decree 259/2019, of 12th of April.
Agreement between the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition and the State Research Agency, M.P., to carry out activities in the field of scientific cooperation.
Agreement between the State Research Agency and the Uno Entre Cien Mil Foundation, for the scientific-technical evaluation of the VIII Research Grant in the Childhood Leukemia Area.
Agreement between the State Research Agency and the Uno Entre Cien Mil Foundation, for the scientific-technical evaluation of the VII Research Grant in the Childhood Leukemia Area.
Agreement between the State Research Agency and the Uno Entre Cien Mil Foundation, for the scientific-technical evaluation of the V Research Grant in the area of childhood leukemia, of January 22, 2018 (BOE of February 5)
Agreement between the State Research Agency and the Unoentrecienmil Foundation, for the scientific-technical evaluation of the VI research grant in the area of childhood leukemia, dated September 17, 2018.
Agreement between the State Research Agency and the Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, for the scientific-technical evaluation of calls for grants for cancer research 2019.