Coordination, Evaluation and Scientific and Technical Monitoring Division

Head of Division: Lourdes Armesto López.

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis.


Principal functions:

The head of the Scientific and Technical Coordination, Evaluation and Monitoring Division has as main functions:

  • Coordinate the dependent subdivisions in terms of evaluation and monitoring.
  • Coordinate the selection and appointment processes of scientific and technological Collaborators (who are assigned to the AEI for a specified time for scientific and technical advice and support tasks under article 19 of Law 14/2011, on Science, Technology and Innovation).
  • Coordinate the preparation of the annual action plan and prepare the AEI's annual activity report.
  • Participate in the definition of the aid modalities and their budget for their inclusion in the annual action program to be approved by SEIDI.
  • Coordinate with the Economic and Administrative Programming and Management Division the planning, distribution and control of the budget assigned to each call.
  • Coordinate the actions of the AEI with the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) and with the rest of the existing financing agents in Spain and internationally, within the scope of their competences.
  • Promote the dissemination of the results and activities of the AEI to society.

The Coordination and Evaluation Branch (SCE), the defunct National Evaluation and Prospective Agency (ANEP), is in charge of organizing the ex ante evaluation procedures, and the application of the rules, principles and criteria contained in the calls and actions managed by the AEI guaranteeing the transparency, objectivity and impartiality of the application selection process, through peer and/or panel review.

Head of Subdivision: Julio Bravo de Pedro.

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis.


Principal functions:

  • Prepare protocols, methodologies and procedures for scientific-technical evaluation, in accordance with national and international standards on the matter.
  • Organize, coordinate and manage the ex ante evaluation processes of the aid applications submitted, both from the AEI and from other public and private institutions that carry out calls for aid or other initiatives in the field of the promotion of R+D+I.
  • Improve the capacity of the public Science, Technology and Innovation system.
  • Contribute to the decision to allocate resources for R+D+I to be made based on criteria of excellence and scientific-technical quality.
  • Carry out the scientific-technical evaluation of research proposals to participate in national and international programs and projects, as well as follow up on their results. It will also manage the evaluation of how many scientific-technical proposals are entrusted to it by the AEI Directorate.

In the development of its scientific-technical evaluation tasks, this subdivision has the support of scientific and technological collaborators assigned to the AEI for an approximate period of three years, in accordance with article 19 of the Science Law, and with a Bank of Collaborating Experts of the AEI (BECA), which is in charge of maintaining. Also carrying out the search, invitation and incorporation of new national and international experts.

It is also in charge of other related tasks such as the organization of the candidacies of the scientific and technological collaborators assigned to the unit, in accordance with the established protocol. The organization and management of technical and evaluation panels and commissions, attending to the needs of the meetings (rooms, computers, projection guns, generation of minutes in computer application, etc.) and of the commissioners (travel and accommodation), preparation economic report of the cost of the evaluation of each call and information to citizens through the different communication channels.

Institutions that request R+D+I evaluation from the AEI

  • Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, other Ministries, Autonomous Communities, public and private universities, Public Research Bodies (OPIS), public and private Foundations, International Bodies.

Evaluation activities carried out by the SCE

Some 25,000 requests for activities related to R+D+I are evaluated annually, of which approximately 80% correspond to actions of this Ministry and the rest to other ministerial departments, CCAA, OPIS, Universities, Foundations, etc.

Evaluation activities carried out in 2016.
  MINECO/AGE CCAA Univ. Foundat. Others Total
Projects 9,482 606 537 496 49 11,170
Scholarships and Contracts 9,309 11 752 77 9 10,158
Infrastructure 902 6 46     954
Mobility 773     4 18 795
Others 47   31 74 9 161
Total 20,513 623 1,366 651 85 23,238

The Scientific-Technical Thematic Programs Subdivision is in charge of managing the grants granted by the AEI and carrying out the scientific-technical monitoring of them in the scientific-technical fields that have a thematic orientation defined in the corresponding state plans, responding to the needs of the scientific community and the main social and economic challenges of the country.

Head of Subdivision: Mª Ángeles Ferre González.

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis.


Principal functions:

Specifically, it performs the following main functions in its corresponding scientific-technical fields:

  • Define the content, modalities and requirements of the calls for aid corresponding to the programs of the state plans that are attributed to the AEI through the legal instruments established as a system for the allocation of resources.
  • Collaborate in the organization of the ex ante evaluation (in coordination with the Coordination and Evaluation Branch), in those calls that require a scientific technical evaluation in a panel.
  • Carry out the scientific-technical monitoring of the grants awarded.
  • Manage the aid granted: it will attend to the beneficiaries in their requests for modifications of the concession resolution, resignations and changes of ownership of the aid, etc.
  • Carry out the ex post evaluation of the calls for aid under its charge, assessing the suitability of the different instruments, with the main purpose of adapting the AEI's actions to those that involve a greater cost-benefit for the system.
  • Participate in working groups of national and international experts in each of the subjects of their competence.
  • Promote cooperation initiatives through collaboration agreements and other agreements with both national and international entities. Carry out scientific and technical monitoring of the actions that are carried out in execution of these agreements.

In the development of its functions, this subdivision has the support of scientific and technological collaborators attached to the AEI for an approximate period of three years, in accordance with article 19 of the Science Law.

The Subdivision of Transversal Scientific-Technical Programs, Strengthening and Excellence is in charge of managing the grants awarded by the AEI and carrying out the scientific-technical monitoring of them, in the scientific-technical fields that, due to their characteristics, do not have a Defined thematic orientation and are aimed at strengthening and transforming the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System, promoting excellence, the generation of scientific-technical capacities and the internationalization of the system.

Head of Subdivision: Joaquín Ángel Serrano Agejas.

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis.


Principal functions:

Specifically, it performs the following main functions in its corresponding fields of action:

  • Define the content, modalities and requirements of the calls for aid corresponding to the programs of the state plans that are attributed to the AEI through the legal instruments established as a system for the allocation of resources.
  • Collaborate in the organization of the ex ante evaluation (in coordination with the Coordination and Evaluation Branch), in those calls that require a scientific technical evaluation in a panel.
  • Carry out the scientific-technical monitoring of the grants awarded.
  • Manage the aid granted: it will attend to the beneficiaries in their requests for modifications of the concession resolution, resignations and changes of ownership of the aid, etc.
  • Carry out the ex post evaluation of the aid calls at your charge. The suitability of the different instruments will be assessed, with the main purpose of adapting the AEI's actions to those that represent a greater cost-benefit for the system.
  • Participate in working groups of national and international experts in each of the subjects of their competence.
  • Promote cooperation initiatives through collaboration agreements and other agreements with both national and international entities. Carry out scientific and technical monitoring of the actions that are carried out in execution of these agreements.
  • Participate on behalf of the AEI in International Joint Programming initiatives.