English version at:
AEI Guide for Spanish Participants in English
1. Overview
The State Research Agency and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on September 15, 2021 in which they expressed their desire to promote German-Spanish cooperation in all areas of scientific and technological research. About this desire and inspired by the collaboration model of WEAVE, both agencies publish this first announcement for collaboration in which the DFG will act as “lead agency”.
This announcement aims to select research projects in which Spanish and German groups participate. The DFG will finance the German groups and the AEI will finance the Spanish beneficiary entities through the procedure for direct granting of aid corresponding to “International Collaboration Projects” (PCI) scheduled for the second half of 2024.
The Spanish beneficiaries and main researchers of these grants must comply with the general PCI requirements. In summary:
- Non-profit research organizations such as universities, public research organizations, technology centers and other private non-profit institutions that carry out R+D+I activities in Spain may benefit.
- Principal investigators must demonstrate experience in AEI-funded or other projects such as ERC Grants, H2020 projects and Horizon Europe.
2. Presentation and evaluation procedure
Project proposals will be written in English and jointly between the research groups from Spain and Germany. The project proposal will be presented by the German group to the DFG according to its models (joint memory, CVs, etc.), tools and standards.
The PI of the Spanish group will send a copy of the proposal, including the budget of the action (Excel table relating to the budget of the Spanish group) and the responsible declaration of the Spanish main researcher (IP Responsible Declaration) to: bilat@aei.gob.es
In communication and collaboration with the AEI, the DFG will process and evaluate the proposals according to its procedures.
3. Thematic areas
This first announcement will only cover 3 thematic areas.
Theme | AEI Area / Subarea | DFG Review Board |
Mathematics | Area 9. MTM | 312 |
Psychology | Area 8. PSI | 110 |
Atmospheric sciences, oceanography and climate research | CYA and MAR subareas of area 16. CTM | 313 |
Proposals that do not fall into these areas will be excluded.
4. Submission deadlines
Open at DFG link until October 25, 2023.
5. Explanatory documents in Spanish and English from the AEI, related to the announcement
- Guide to the AEI for Spanish participants in English
- Responsible declaration of each Spanish principal investigator
- Excel table relating to the budget of the Spanish group
6. Link to the DFG website that will publish this announcement
Link: https://www.dfg.de/foerderung/info_wissenschaft/info_wissenschaft_23_66/
7. Contacts
In the AEI: e-mail: bilat@aei.gob.es
In the DFG: e-mail: maria.borre@dfg.de