PRIMA-Partnership on Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area is a European initiative that aims to implement R+D+I actions that improve the efficiency and sustainability of agri-food systems and the quality, availability and management of water in the Mediterranean area, thus contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 agenda (SDGs).

The countries that formally participate in this initiative are:  Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Morocco, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey.

The initiative was approved on June 13, 2017 by the European Parliament and the expected duration is 10 years.

On the official website of the initiative you can find, among other things, information regarding the Plans Annual Work Plans (AWPs), calls, reference documents for the preparation of proposals or projects financed up to now.

The annual plans (AWPs) contemplate 3 types of calls grouped by sections:


Actions and activities (Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), and Innovation Actions (IA), as defined in the H2020 General Annexes), organized, managed and financed by the PRIMA Foundation.


Activities (Research and Innovation Activities (RIA) based on national standards) selected from open and competitive transnational calls for proposals, organized by the PRIMA Foundation and financed by the national funding bodies of the participating countries. In Spain, two funding agencies participate in this section: the State Research Agency (AEI), which funds research organizations, and the CDTI, which funds business entities.


Activities organized, managed and financed by the participating states (PS) and aligned with the objectives of the PRIMA programme.


In 2022 and within the framework of the activities of section 3 of PRIMA, the AEI has financed 267 R+D projects for the amount of 40.7M€. The aforementioned activities are reflected in the PRIMA Foundation's Annual Work Plan 2022 under the heading ES-2022-2.