Science in Equality


En esta sección se publica información sobre los programas, planes y medidas concretas que lleva a cabo la AEI para promover la igualdad efectiva entre mujeres y hombres en las actividades de financiación de la I+D+i, sin perjuicio de las actuaciones que en materia de personal se prevean en los planes de Igualdad de la Administración General del Estado y sus Organismos Públicos.

Planes e instrucciones en igualdad
Plans and instructions on equality

I Gender Equality Plan 2021-2023 of the State Research Agency for R&D&I funding activities


Action plan for funding agencies of the Mothers In Science association

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Balanced presence acts


Equality plans will be an eligibility criterion in Horizon Europe

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Informes sobre ayudas
Reports on aid

Scientific Report in Figures 2023


Informative note on evaluation of the integration of the Gender Perspective in Research, in the announcements of the State Research Agency

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Measures implemented in the AEI to promote gender equality in its financing actions

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Formación y recursos
Training and resources

E-learning training modules in different aspects of gender equality in R+D+I

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CERCA video on research decision-making bias

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Otra información
Other information

MCIU equality news (search engine)

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