The conference will be held remotely on September 7, 2022 from 9:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. No registration required. It will be done in Webinar format through the following link:
The conference presents the framework for financing partnership projects BIODIVERSA+, Driving Urban Transitions (DUT), INNOVATIVE SMEs (EUROSTARS e INNOWWIDE), Water Security for the Planet (WATER4ALL), Key Digital Tecnologies Joint Undertaking (KDT-JU) and Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) with announcements for transnational projects in the financial year 2022 and for the next 5 years.
Co-financed partnerships are a key instrument for the implementation of Horizon Europe (HE) and contribute significantly to the achievement of EU political priorities through high-impact transnational actions. Spain participates through national and regional funding agencies in announcements for transnational research projects within the framework of Horizon Europe.
The State Research Agency together with the CDTI participate as funding agencies in these open announcements for international projects in these partnerships. In the case of CETPartnership, the regional entities are added: Ministry of Science, Innovation and University of Asturias/FICYT, the Basque Energy Entity (EVE), the Basque Government/SPRI and the Society for the Development of Cantabria (SODERCAN) . In the case of BIODIVERSA+, the participation of the Biodiversity Foundation is added.
The importance of partnerships has not stopped growing throughout the last EU R+I Framework Programs and, currently, these associations represent a key source of financing for the internationalization of the actors of the Spanish Science System Technology and Innovation (SECTI).
In this sense, the Spanish Administration is making a significant budgetary effort to accompany and provide sufficient resources for the management and financing of these international announcements.
Aimed at all SECTI actors, academia, companies, foundations, who are interested in participating as partners or coordinating proposals, as well as managers and advisors or generators of requirements for projects.
Program of the conference (PDF - 762 KB - version 06 september 2022)
2 - Associations co-financed within the framework of Horizon Europe CDTI
3 - Presentation KDT JU final AEI
4 - Presentation Biodiversa + final AEI
5 - Presentation Water4All final AEI
6 - Presentation DUT final CDTI
7 - Presentation CETPartnership AEI
8 - Presentation of innovative SMEs CDTI
11 - Specific conditions Asturias_FICYT
12 - Specific conditions GV_SPRI_CETP